Concept of Administrative Service Charter
A system of which the standard and contents of administrative services provided by an administrative
institute, the process and method of service, rectification and compensation measures on incorrect services
and other items are declared officially in detail. This Charter is our promise in that we will realize it.
Objective of applying administrative service charter in Gyeonggi education
- Contribute to the quality improvement in administrative service with the declaration and execution of
accurate service contents.
- Realize administrative that touches the hearts of the customers by improving the system that provides
administrative service and by activating the participation of the citizens.
- Realize value centered on consumers and enhance customer satisfaction with the implementation of
customer-oriented policies.
Contents of administrative service charter of Gyeonggi education
- ① Preamble
- ② Common Implementation Standard
- Our attitude towards our customers
- Satisfy the customer's right to know and guarantee confidentiality
- Rectification and compensation measures on incorrect services
- Publication of customer evaluation and the results
- Methods and procedures for customers to pose their opinions
- Implementation standards per department for items that require customer's cooperation
- ③ Implementation standards per department
8 Principles of Charter Enactment
- ① Customer-centered Principle
- ② Principle of Service Concreteness
- ③ Principle of providing the best service
- ④ Principle of reducing cost and inconvenience
- ⑤ Principle of providing systematic information
- ⑥ Principle of clear rectification and compensation measures
- ⑦ Principle of customer participation
- ⑧ Principle of connectivity in performance management
Report on Administrative Service Charter System in Gyeonggi Education
- June 1998 : Publication of 「Guideline on the Enactment of Administrative Service Charter」
(Presidential Order Article 70)
- September 2000 : Enactment of 「Administrative Service Charter in Gyeonggi Education」
- 2000 ~ 2001 : Expansion to each institute in the Main Office, Regional Office of Education,
direct institutes etc
- 2001 : Expansion of Charter enactment and a change into achievement-focus
- 2002 ~ 2003: Pursuit for internal stability such as practical service achievement etc
- 2004 ~ 2005: Execution of pilot School Administrative Service Charter system (in 73 schools)
- March 2006: Expansion into all institutes including every school in the province (Total of 1,905 institutes)
- June 2008: Certified as outstanding institute for the 2007 administrative service charter
(Awarded with commendation by the Minister of Public Administration and Security in the field of
Financial Administrative Service Charter)
- November 2010: Amendment of 「Administrative Service Charter in Gyeonggi Education」 (5th)